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How to Add YouTube Video to WordPress
How to Add YouTube Video to WordPress |
hi guys today I'm going to show you how we can add a YouTube video to your WordPress website now let's say you have a blog post like this and you want to add your video to this blog post you can do that by watching this Post so let's get started it's going to be very simple so to add a YouTube video first let's go to youtube.com and then search for the video which you want to add I'm going to search for website learners now select the video which you want to add so once you've selected the video you need to copy the link of the video so to copy the link just right-click on the video and click copy video URL now to add this video to your website you need to paste the link in WordPress so let's go to WordPress and now you have two places where you can add your videos you can either add your video to a post or a page so I'm going to add the video to a post so let's click here and first let's view the post so you can see that this is my blog post now to add the video to this post just click Edit and then paste the video link here now as soon as you paste the link you can see that the video has been added to our page now click update and now if I go to this tab and click refresh you can see that the video appears on our page now if I click Play you can see that video now plays on our page so this is how you can add a YouTube videos to your WordPress websites next let's see how you can highlight a specific part of the video so let's say you want to show only a part of the video to your visitors you you can do that by adding a start and end time to your video so once you add a start and end time when a visitor play your video it'll automatically start and end at the time you have selected so let's see how it works first we are going to see how we can add the start time so let's go back to the video page and then click share and embed now to the time at which you want to start the video so I want to start my video at one minute 30 seconds and once you have selected the time enable this option which says start at and then enter the time which you have chosen so I'm going to enter one minute and 30 seconds so once you have entered the time here you can see that your time has been added in seconds so now the code has been updated to start the video at this time now add the video with the start time let's copy the code and then let's go back to our wordpress website and click new and post now enter the title for the post and make sure your on the text tab and then paste the code here so now we have added the video with the start time so let's click publish and in view the post now if I click play you can see that the video starts exactly at one minute 30 seconds so this is how we can set a start time for your video next let's see how we can apply an end time so that the video stops at a particular time so to add an endtime first choose the place where you want to end the video so let's say you want the video to end at 8 minute 40 seconds just go there and then right-click on the video and select copy video URL at current time now open notepad and then paste the link which you have copied now this will give you the time you selected in seconds now to end the video at this point just go to your website and click Edit post and you can see that we have the start time here now let's place the cursor here and now to add your end time just type semicolon END equals same time which you have on the notepad so I'm going to enter 520 here and now we have successfully added the start and end time so let see how it looks we'll click update and then click view post now if I click play you can see that the video has a start and end time and the video automatically starts playing at 1 minute 30 seconds and when it reaches the end time it'll stop playing so this is how you can show a specific part of a video to your visitor so now you know how you can highlight a specific part of your video next let's seehow we can add a video to a page which is built using Elementor so now if you are using Elementor page builder on WordPress you can use our next method to add a video to your page so to add a video to page like this just click Edit with elementor and then go to the place where you want to add the video now let's say you want to add the video here just click the plus icon and then click here now choose the type of layout you want I'm going to choose this one and now we have two different places where we can add our video so let's add the video here so just click the plus icon and here you can see that we have the video element now if you drag this element and drop it here you can see that a video has been added to our page now to change this video you need to enter your YouTube link here so first let's remove the default video link and now let's go to the video page and then right click to copy its link now let's go back to our page and if you paste the link here you can see that the video has been added to our page now if you want you can add more content here and then click update and view the page so now if we scroll down you can see that the video appears on our page so this is how we can add a video to a page built using Elementor so that's it guys this is how we can add a YouTube video to your WordPress website so thanks for watching I'll see in the next post bye bye
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