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How to Make an E-Commerce Website in India - Build an Online Store

How to Make an E-Commerce Website in India - Build an Online Store Hi guys! Today I am going to show you, how you can create an E-commerce website from start to finish. Okay! So first, let's see the website we're going to build. So here it is. After watching this post, How to Make an E-Commerce Website in India - Build an Online Store  you will be able to make a website, which has products like these and then we're going to create pages like these. And people will be able to add your products to their carts. and they will be able to pay you, through your website and buy products from your site. So let's get started. it's going to be very simple. We're going to make our e-commerce site in 4 parts. The 1st Part is to Launching Your Website Now this is where you get a new website, Live - on the internet. So to launch your website, we're going to do 3 steps.  1st step The 1st step, is to choose your website name. Now to choose the name, just clic...

How to Get a Free SSL for your WordPress Website

How to Get a Free SSL for your WordPress Website How to Get a Free SSL for your WordPress Website Hi guys welcome Today we're going to see how you can get a free SSL for your WordPress website Now if you go to your website and you see this not secure message on your browser It means that you do not have SSL How to Get a Free SSL for your WordPress Website  Now if you want to change this message into the secure lock symbol You need to get an SSL for your website So this will make your visitors trust your website  So let's get started We're going to get a free SSL in just five steps first step  The first step is to 'Create an account on a website called Cloudflare' So this is a website which is going to give us the free SSL So to create the account let's go to And then click sign up Now enter your email And password And click create account Okay so now our account is created  step two Next, let's go to step two Whi...

How to Add YouTube Video to WordPress

How to Add YouTube Video to WordPress How to Add YouTube Video to WordPress hi guys today I'm going to show you how we can add a YouTube video to your WordPress website now let's say you have a blog post like this and you want to add your video to this blog post you can do that by watching this Post so let's get started it's going to be very simple so to add a YouTube video first let's go to and then search for the video which you want to add I'm going to search for website learners now select the video which you want to add so once you've selected the video you need to copy the link of the video so to copy the link just right-click on the video and click copy video URL now to add this video to your website you need to paste the link in WordPress so let's go to WordPress and now you have two places where you can add your videos you can either add your video to a post or a page so I'm going to add the video to a post so let...

How To Make A Logo in 5 Minutes - for Free

How To Make A Logo in 5 Minutes - for Free How To Make A Logo in 5 Minutes - for Free Hi guys. Today I'm going to show you how you can make a Logo For free So after watching this post You'll be able to make logos like these Using just your browser So let get started We are going to make our logo In just four steps  first step So the  first step is to 'Go to the logo making tool' So to go there Just click the link on this link And it'll take you to this page Now this is where we are going to make our logo Now you can see that Right now we have this sample logo So let's remove it by clicking new And then click yes So now we have a blank page where we can start creating our logos So to create our logo let's go to  step 2 step 2 Which is 'To make the icon of our logo' So to make the icon Just click add symbol And you'll find different icon and it's categories Now choose a category Which relates to your brand I'm going t...

How to Make a Website in 5 mins with Godaddy

How to Make a Website in 5 mins with Godaddy How to Make a Website in 5 mins with Godaddy Hi guys Today I'm going to show you how you can make this website using godaddy So this is a website which we are going to make today So after watching this post You'll be able to make websites like these Using just your browser Okay so let's get started We are going to make our website in just five steps The first step is to 'Create an account in godaddy' So to create account Just click the link below this post And it'll take you to this page Now to create your account just click start for free And then fill up these details So enter your email, username and password And click create account Okay So now our account is created Now let's go to step two Which is to 'Choose the type of website you want' So let's say you want a photography website Just type it here Now choose the category you want So I'm going to choose this And as soon as you...

How To Find A Good Domain Name for Your Website

How To Find A Good Domain Name for Your Website How To Find A Good Domain Name for Your Website Hi Guys Today I am going to show you how you can find a good domain name for your website so now when you want to start a website you might have noticed that, its quite difficult to find a good domain name, which is available. So in this post we are going to see, how we can find a perfect domain name in just a few minutes so After watching this post, you will be able to find a name which is both easly to Remember and also match your brand. So let's get started to find a good domain name, Were going to do 2 steps The first step, is to choose a keyword, which matches your website So for examples, let's say your website is related to photography You can choose that as your keyword So as I want to create a website related to technology, I have selected my keywords as techy Once you have selected your keyword... Just go to your browser and then type Now enter...